Armed with a paint-brush, black paint, loads of white paper, and plenty of drop sheets Owen took to creating the custom typeface that you see in our logo, on our popup bar, and these superb campaign posters (download them if you like, spread the love). Of course there was more to it than that.
First up was to create the copy - a collaborative effort by all of us, led by the wordsmith
Stuart McCreadie of JWT Cape Town. Countless revisions later and analysing words like
there was no tomorrow, we settled on the manifesto you see across our popup bar and in a lot of our copy. What followed next was a stack of different sized brushes, some Dexter-like paint splattering, and the skills of talented people. Once happy with the painted words, the paintings were photographed and captured digitally for further manipulation and the addition of the imagery. The result a striking and completely original typeface that balances perfectly between art and text. The idea was that for the mobile bar the facia would look eye-catching from afar and as you get closer you would start to notice key words and eventually realise it's an entire paragraph.
"Drown the snobs in fine whisky". Stuart pushed the team to come up with the perfect copy for the campaign posters you see above. The challenge was, in as few and most striking words possible, to convey the ethos of correcting misconceptions, exclusivity, misogyny, but always respecting the spirit.
A massive thank you to everyone at JWT who has contributed to our look and feel. And especially Owen, who has recently made big steps into a company of his own - this guy will go far.